mercredi 16 avril 2008

De la maintenance des sites web

Voilà une série d'articles bien intéressant sur la maintenance des sites web, créés par soi ou par un tiers :)

Inheriting Web sites: Getting a Web site to a maintainable state

Inheriting Web sites, Part 2: Optimizing your Web site

vendredi 4 avril 2008

Distributeur d'événements

Voici un article qui détaille comment mettre en place un distributeur d'événements, dont les implémentations des objets utilisés sont paramétrables, ainsi que la chaine des destinataires par type d'événements.

Extreme programming

Un excellent article sur ce qu'est l'extreme programming et le détail des phases de réalisation.

Developper avec Maven

Voici un article sur donnant des éléments de configuration technique pour utiliser Maven.

jeudi 3 avril 2008

Architecture d'application, bis

Une série d'article sur l'architecture d'applications en général :

Application architecture essentials, Part 1: Everything you need to know about requirements modeling
The success of your software project depends on accurate and complete requirements. Getting this part of the architecture correct requires that both people and technical skills capture and refine the right requirements. Discover the useful skills and tools for modeling requirements, and learn how to evaluate progress in competency.

Application architecture essentials, Part 2: Getting started with design patterns
Find out how to identify recurring patterns in your designs and to document their characteristics, advantages, and trade-offs.

Application architecture essentials, Part 3: Getting started with application development methodologies
Discover key skills, competencies, tools, and techniques for incorporating formal and informal development methodologies into your design and planning activities in this third article in the series on application architecture essentials.

Application architecture essentials, Part 4: Create a flexible environment to support growth
Plan for growth in your application architecture by learning how to focus on customer-centric business strategies using scalable and adaptive thinking.

Application architecture essentials, Part 5: Build process management compliance into your design
Process management is a key element in any application architecture design. Learn how to build process management compliance into your architecture design to ensure that it's used consistently throughout the organization.

Application architecture essentials, Part 6: Understanding performance management
Use performance management techniques to spot or prevent problems with your design. Learn how early planning can assist in quick problem diagnosis to reduce downtime and provide advance warning of imminent problems.

Application architecture essentials, Part 7: Application architecture security
To survive at the architecture level, the IT specialists who flourish are those who think in terms of strategy, systems, policy, and procedures. Move beyond programming, and learn new ways to approach security from a higher, application architecture level. Stay ahead of security breaches and help ensure your enterprise is highly secure.

Application architecture essentials, Part 8: Estimate your application development project
Learn estimation methods for your software development project, get suggestions for ways to improve estimation, and discover what you should consider when forming an estimate.

Application architecture essentials, Part 9: Architecting applications for volatility
For environments with factors that create uncertainty and a potential for change, this article discusses approaches and tools that can help reduce the impact of volatility on your application.